Red roses with baby breath


. 24 Red Roses Arrangement
1. Two dozen vibrant red roses, elegantly paired with delicate baby’s breath, arranged in a tall, clear vase. This stunning bouquet is a luxurious expression of love and admiration, perfect for making a lasting impression.
2. 36 Red Roses Arrangement
Thirty-six exquisite red roses surrounded by soft clouds of baby’s breath, beautifully displayed in a large glass vase. This arrangement is both opulent and romantic, making it an ideal gift for milestone celebrations or heartfelt gestures.
3. 50 Red Roses Arrangement
A magnificent arrangement of fifty radiant red roses, accompanied by lush baby’s breath in an oversized, elegant vase. This grand display symbolizes boundless love and devotion, creating an unforgettable moment for any special occasion.

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24 Red Stems, 36 Red Stems, 50 Red Stems


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