Rose Luxury



Experience the breathtaking beauty of our 100 pink roses, elegantly arranged in an oversized vase. This stunning floral display is designed to leave a lasting impression.

Each of the 100 pink roses in this arrangement is hand-selected for its vibrant color and perfect bloom. Set against the backdrop of an oversized vase, the roses create a dramatic and captivating presentation, ideal for any special occasion.

Whether you’re celebrating a milestone or simply want to make someone’s day, this arrangement of 100 pink roses is sure to impress. The oversized vase adds a touch of sophistication, making it a standout centerpiece in any setting.

Our 100 pink roses displayed in an oversized vase offer a unique and luxurious way to express your feelings. This exquisite floral arrangement combines elegance and drama, ensuring that it will be remembered long after the event.599.99


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