Grace: wedding bouquet


Beloved for their enchanting fragrance, gardenias are gathered with hydrangea and roses into an elegant white bouquet.
Gardenias and hydrangea are paired for a stunning all-white bouquet.

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Beloved for their enchanting fragrance, gardenias bring a touch of elegance to any bouquet. Their creamy white blooms perfectly blend with the soft petals of hydrangeas, creating a stunning visual centerpiece that captivates anyone who sees it.

The combination of delicate gardenias and lush hydrangeas results in an all-white bouquet that radiates sophistication. This pairing not only highlights the beauty of each flower but also infuses the arrangement with a sweet, inviting aroma.

To complete this luxurious bouquet, we also include roses. Together, gardenias, hydrangeas, and roses create an exquisite floral arrangement that is perfect for any occasion, whether it’s a wedding, anniversary, or just because you love someone!


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