Andrea: wedding bouquet


Add a classic touch to your special day with this simply gorgeous bouquet of crème roses, wrapped with creamy satin ribbon.
A generous bouquet of crème roses bound with a satin ribbon.

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Elevate the ambiance of your special day with our stunning Crème Rose Bouquet. This exquisitely crafted bouquet features a harmonious arrangement of soft crème roses that embody beauty and sophistication. Each rose is carefully selected to ensure quality and elegance.

The bouquet is beautifully wrapped in a creamy satin ribbon, adding an extra touch of class to your floral display. The gentle hues of the roses paired with the satin create a timeless look perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any memorable occasion.

Offering a generous array of crème roses, this bouquet creates a lovely centerpiece or an exquisite addition to your bridal ensemble. Celebrate your love story with a touch of classic elegance that will leave a lasting impression.


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