Sweet Pink: wedding bouquet


A beautiful blend of soft pink and white flowers creates a delicate, fragrant bouquet with an irresistibly feminine touch. Featuring stunning pink hydrangeas, light pink roses, crème roses, pink sweet pea, pink bouvardia, stephanotis, and dusty miller, all elegantly complemented by variegated pittosporum.

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This exquisite bouquet features a harmonious blend of soft pink and white flowers, offering a delicate and fragrant experience. The arrangement showcases stunning pink hydrangeas, light pink roses, and crème roses, making it an ideal choice for any occasion.

The bouquet is further enhanced by the inclusion of pink sweet pea, pink bouvardia, and stephanotis. These flowers not only add visual appeal but also contribute to the overall enchanting fragrance that captivates the senses.

Complementing the blossoms, the dusty miller and variegated pittosporum provide lush greenery, completing this beautiful floral masterpiece. Perfect for gifting or home décor, this bouquet encapsulates an irresistibly feminine touch, making it a delightful choice for flower enthusiasts.


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