Leticia: wedding bouquet


This lovely bouquet is the epitome of elegance, featuring graceful orchids, fragrant stephanotis and classic white roses.
Beautiful white orchids, roses and stephanotis

SKU: 2508 Categories: ,


This lovely bouquet is the epitome of elegance, designed perfectly for any event. Featuring graceful orchids, fragrant stephanotis, and classic white roses, it embodies sophistication and charm.

The beautiful combination of white orchids and classic roses creates a stunning visual appeal. The fragrant stephanotis adds a delightful scent, making this bouquet not only a treat for the eyes but also for the senses.

Whether it’s a wedding, anniversary, or a thoughtful gift, this elegant bouquet is a timeless choice. Its blend of delicate flowers ensures that it will be cherished and admired wherever it is displayed.


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